Nissan S15 - Rota Grid
Wheel: Rota Grid
Bringing back white wheels with the Rota Grid looking incredible on this super clean S15.

Nissan S15 - Rota Grid
Wheel: Rota Grid
A popular choice for S15's and Silvia's in general, the Rota Grid here looking very nice with the custom red accents to compliment the rest of the car.

Nissan S15 - Rota GTR
Wheel: Rota GTR
Instagram: @jmmd.media
How to stand out from the crowd: get some bronze Rota GTR's.

Nissan S15 - Rota Torque
Wheel: Rota Torque
Instagram: @concave.africa
Loving this shot of this Spec-R S15 on a set of Rota Torque's giving proper drift car vibes.
Running Rota Wheels?
Are you running Rota Wheels and cannot see your vehicle above? Drop us some images at sales@rotashop.co.uk or contact us below.