Linea Corse PSD, 17 x 11 inch, 5130 PCD, ET16 RSR
Linea Corse PSD, 17 x 11 inch, 5130 PCD, ET16 RSR
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Will it fit my car?
When you place an order with Rotashop, our trained specialists will ensure that the wheels ordered will fit your car. Please make sure you enter your full vehicle details during the checkout process before you place the order, if this is not done the order will be held until these details are available and will delay the processing and dispatch of the order. Payment for your order will be taken in full at the checkout - Please ensure that the correct fitment has been ordered.
If you require a particular tyre model or size which is not listed on our website, please contact us via phone or email enquiry. Please be aware we cannot fit a tyre of high stretch.

Need Tyres?
Make life easier when ordering from Rotashop by speaking to us about tyre packages.
This way the wheels will arrive fitted with tyres, balanced and ready to go.
We work with Nankang plus other brands to get good quality and value.